TestProject — Create your first test with “TestProject.io”

What is TestProject and its features:
- Cloud-based and community-powered test automation tool.
- Built on top of open source automation tools like Selenium and Appium, by removing the complexity of managing and installing drivers for each platform.
- Supports Web/Mobile (Android and iOS) Application across Windows/Mac/Linux platforms.
- Powerful and smart in-web recorder.
- Provides Java, Python and C# SDKs for creating tests and shared addons.
- Easy integration with CI/CD tools like Jenkins.
- Also integrates with Test Management tools like qTest and team collaboration tools like Slack to get real time notification of test executions.
- Test Analytics with detailed reports.
- Moreover its FREE.
TestProject Agent Setup:
To get started with TestProject, go to “https://app.testproject.io/signup/” and fill the simple form to sign up for FREE.
After signing up, verify your email. Provide your email and password, click on Sign In to login to the TestProject dashboard.
Once done follow the below steps to download and install the TestProject agent.
- Select the operating system (Windows/Mac/Linux) on which you wish to install the agent and click on “Download”.
- Install the TestProject Agent.
- Once the installation is complete, you will be asked to provide the name of your TestProject Agent.
- Enter name and click on “Verify”.
- After that click on “Register and Finish”.
How to create Project:
- Click on “+ Add a new project”.
- You will get a “Create a new Project” pop-up. Enter “Project Name” and “Description” and click on “Create”.
That’s it! Your project will be created and you will be navigated to the project’s dashboard.
Now, let’s see how easily you can create your first test case.
How to create Test Case:
- Click on “New Test”.
- You will be asked to select the type of test. i.e whether a mobile application test or a web application test.
- Select “Web” and click on “Next” button.
- Enter “Name” of the test and “Description”. Click on the “Next” button.
- Click on “Web Application” dropdown.
- Click on “Add a new application for testing”.
- Enter name of the application and its URL. Click on “Finish”.
- Select the application you have just added and click on the “Next” button.
- Now select the “Record” option and click on “Start recording” to record your first test on TestProject.
NOTE: Recording will start in a new window/instance of the browser.
How to record test steps:
Your AUT will open in the new browser window along with the recording tool. Just perform the steps and see how easily it gets recorded.
- Click on the google search box and enter text to search.
- Hit the “Enter” button.
- Search results based on the text entered will be displayed.
NOTE: See on the TestProject recorder, each step is getting recorded with all the parameters required to execute it again.
- Close the browser window and your test will be displayed on TestProject.
Great! You just created your first ever test case :) Isn’t adding a point of validation/assertion would make it even more meaningful. Let’s do it then.
How to add Assertion:
- Click on “Test Case” to open it.
- Click on the “‘Record” button and the TestProject recorder will open again in the new browser window.
- Hover over the element you wish to verify/assert.
Eg. URL displayed on the Google Search Result
- Double Shift (Press Shift Key Twice) to freeze/lock the element.
- Click on the “Validations” option. (You will see list of assertion available)
- Click on “Is Present”. This assertion will verify if the element is present on the page or not.
- Now, click on “Save Step” to add the assertion step.
- Close the browser window and your test will be displayed on TestProject.
Your test case is ready. Wow! Now let’s begin test execution.
How to execute the Test Case:
- Mouse hover on the test case and click on the “Run” button to execute the test case.
- Select a “Browser”, Verify application “URL” and click on “Run” to execute the test case.
- A new browser will open up automatically.
- Your steps will be performed and the browser will get closed.
Done! Your test is executed successfully. But you should need a test report, right? It’s the most important test artifact for us as QA Engineers. No worries! TestProject provides a comprehensive test execution report.
How to get the Test Report:
- Mouse hover on the test case and click on the “Report” button.
- Test Report page will be opened, with all parameters like browsers, start time, end time, result of each step and final status of the test case with the screenshot (if your test case is failed)
- Click on “Full Report” to download the PDF of the detailed report.
That’s it. Straightforward and simple. Hope you liked it.
Reference Links:
Website — https://testproject.io/
Docs — https://docs.testproject.io/
Forum — https://forum.testproject.io/